Napoleon Movie Review

Napoleon Movie Review

“Napoleon” is a film that attempts to capture the essence of one of history’s most fascinating figures. With its epic scale and a stellar cast, it promises an immersive journey through the life of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Basic Information

“Napoleon” is a 2023 historical drama directed by Ridley Scott and stars Joaquin Phoenix in the titular role. The film was released on November 22, 2023, and is rated R for strong violence, some grisly images, sexual content, and brief language. It falls under the genres of Biography, History, Drama, War, and Action.


“Napoleon” is a spectacle-filled action epic that details the checkered rise and fall of the iconic French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. The film captures Bonaparte’s relentless journey to power through the prism of his addictive, volatile relationship with his one true love, Josephine.

It showcases his visionary military and political tactics against some of the most dynamic practical battle sequences ever filmed 1. The film opens during the French Revolution, as Bonaparte ascends the political ladder of France with his war acumen above all else 2.

Production and Direction:


The cinematography in “Napoleon” is handled by Dariusz Wolski, a frequent collaborator of Ridley Scott. Wolski’s work is known for its attention to detail and realism, and he brings these qualities to “Napoleon”. The film features a mix of practical and CGI elements, with a significant emphasis on practical elements, reflecting Scott’s commitment to historical accuracy.

Set Design and Costumes:

The film’s set design and costumes are meticulously crafted to reflect the historical period and the characters’ roles. The costume designers, Janty Yates and David Crossman, have worked together on multiple films and bring a wealth of experience to “Napoleon”.

Yates is responsible for the civilian clothes, including those of Napoleon’s wife Josephine, while Crossman focuses on the military costumes. The costumes are historically accurate and contribute to the film’s historical atmosphere.

Director’s Style:

Ridley Scott’s directorial style is evident in “Napoleon”. His films are known for their epic scale, attention to detail, and historical accuracy.

In “Napoleon”, Scott brings these elements to life, delivering a compelling exploration of Napoleon’s rise to power and his relationship with Empress Joséphine. The film’s pacing, editing, and transitions are all characteristic of Scott’s style, enhancing the overall cinematic experience.


Main Cast and Supporting Actors:

The performances in “Napoleon” are praised for their historical accuracy and emotional depth. Joaquin Phoenix, in the titular role, delivers a powerful portrayal of Napoleon, capturing his charisma, ambition, and complex personality.

Vanessa Kirby, who plays Empress Joséphine, also delivers a strong performance, bringing depth and humanity to the character. The performances of the lead and supporting actors contribute significantly to the film’s narrative and historical accuracy.

Napoleon Movie Trailer.

Script and Dialogue:

Writing Quality:

The script for “Napoleon” is written by David Scarpa. The film attempts to present a comprehensive account of Napoleon’s life, covering his rise to power, his relationship with Empress Joséphine, and his military campaigns.

However, the script has been criticized for its historical inaccuracies and for the way it sometimes feels discombobulated due to the inclusion of various elements from Napoleon’s life.

Despite these criticisms, the script does a good job of exploring the themes of power, ambition, and personal relationships, which are central to the story of Napoleon.


The dialogue in “Napoleon” supports the development of the characters and advances the plot. It provides insight into the motivations and personalities of the characters, and it also reflects the political and military strategies employed by Napoleon. The dialogue is effective in bringing the characters to life and in driving the narrative forward.

Plot and Pacing:

Plot Structure:

The plot of “Napoleon” follows the life of Napoleon Bonaparte from his early years during the French Revolution to his rise to power and his eventual exile.

The film covers key events in Napoleon’s life, including his military campaigns, his relationship with Empress Joséphine, and his attempts to restore stability in France after the Reign of Terror. The plot structure is linear, with the film focusing on the key events in Napoleon’s life in chronological order 3.


The pacing of “Napoleon” is a mixed bag. On one hand, the film’s lengthy runtime allows for a detailed exploration of Napoleon’s life and his rise to power.

On the other hand, the film has been criticized for feeling harshly edited, with some scenes and elements feeling rushed or disjointed. Despite these criticisms, the film’s pacing does a good job of keeping the audience engaged and of maintaining the narrative’s momentum.

Character Development:

Depth and Growth:

The characters in “Napoleon 2023” are developed with depth and growth, considering historical accuracy and their relatability. Joaquin Phoenix’s portrayal of Napoleon Bonaparte is a standout performance. His character development is evident in his transformation from a young, ambitious general to a ruthless emperor.

His relationship with Empress Joséphine, played by Vanessa Kirby, is another highlight of the film. Their relationship evolves from a political alliance to a passionate love affair, showcasing the complex nature of their relationship.

Themes and Messages:


“Napoleon 2023” presents several themes that are relevant and significant. Power, ambition, and personal relationships are central themes in the film. The film explores how these themes shape Napoleon’s life and his rise to power.

Napoleon Movie Review

The theme of power is particularly evident in Napoleon’s military campaigns and his political maneuvers. The theme of ambition is showcased in his relentless pursuit of power and his willingness to go to great lengths to achieve his goals.

The theme of personal relationships is explored through his relationship with Empress Joséphine and his relationships with his family and allies.

Message Delivery:

The film effectively conveys its themes through the narrative. The storytelling is engaging and compelling, drawing the audience into Napoleon’s world. The film uses visual storytelling techniques to enhance the narrative and to convey the themes.

For example, the use of color and lighting in the film’s visuals reflects the mood and the emotions of the characters. The film also uses visual storytelling techniques to depict the historical events and the political maneuvers of Napoleon.

Cinematography and Visuals:

Special Effects:

The film features several special effects that stand out. The battle scenes are particularly impressive, with their use of practical effects and CGI.

The film also uses special effects to depict the historical events and the political maneuvers of Napoleon. For example, the use of special effects in the film’s depiction of the Battle of Austerlitz is particularly noteworthy.

Visual Storytelling Techniques:

The film employs several unique visual storytelling techniques. One of the most notable techniques is the use of color and lighting in the film’s visuals.

The film uses color and lighting to reflect the mood and the emotions of the characters. For example, the use of warm colors in the scenes depicting Napoleon’s personal life contrasts with the cool colors used in the scenes depicting his military campaigns.

The film also uses visual storytelling techniques to depict the historical events and the political maneuvers of Napoleon. For example, the use of visual storytelling techniques in the film’s depiction of the Battle of Austerlitz is particularly noteworthy.

Soundtrack and Score:

Musical Score:

The musical score for “Napoleon 2023” is composed by Martin Phipps. The score plays a significant role in highlighting Napoleon’s complex character, with a folk-song-style melody that permeates the entire soundtrack.

Phipps uses a variety of instruments, including trumpet, Corsican singers, accordion, and early plucked string instruments, to create a rich and evocative musical backdrop. The score is particularly effective in capturing the mood and atmosphere of the film’s historical setting.


The soundtrack for “Napoleon 2023” complements the historical and thematic setting of the film. The music is varied and encompasses different styles and genres, reflecting the diverse experiences and emotions of the characters. The soundtrack effectively enhances the film’s narrative and helps to create a sense of immersion in the historical setting.

Editing and Transitions:

Editing Techniques:

The editing techniques employed in “Napoleon 2023” contribute significantly to the overall flow of the movie. The filmmakers have used a variety of editing techniques to create a seamless narrative and to enhance the film’s visual storytelling. The editing is particularly effective in the film’s battle scenes, where it helps to create a sense of realism and intensity.


The transitions between scenes in “Napoleon 2023” are well-executed and contribute to the storytelling. The transitions are smooth and unobtrusive, allowing the audience to follow the narrative without being distracted. The transitions also help to create a sense of continuity and coherence in the film’s narrative, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Audience Appeal:

Target Audience:

“Napoleon 2023” appears to cater to a wide range of audiences. The film’s historical setting and complex characters make it appealing to history enthusiasts and fans of historical dramas. The film’s action sequences and thrilling battle scenes also make it appealing to action and adventure film fans.

The film’s exploration of themes such as power, ambition, and personal relationships also make it appealing to viewers interested in character-driven narratives. The film’s strong performances, particularly Joaquin Phoenix’s portrayal of Napoleon Bonaparte, also make it appealing to fans of the actor.


Historical Accuracy:

“Napoleon 2023” is a historical film that is based on the life of Napoleon Bonaparte. However, the film does not always adhere strictly to historical accuracy.

For instance, the film’s depiction of Napoleon’s relationship with Empress Joséphine and his rise to power is somewhat simplified and dramatized. The film also omits certain historical events and details.

For example, the film does not depict Napoleon’s military campaigns in detail, and it does not show the political maneuvers that led to his rise to power. Despite these inaccuracies, the film does provide a fairly accurate portrayal of Napoleon’s life, focusing on his major achievements and his relationship with Empress Joséphine.

The film also employs visual storytelling techniques to enhance its historical accuracy, such as the use of costumes, sets, and props that reflect the historical period.


Overall Opinion:

Overall, “Napoleon 2023” is a visually stunning and compelling film that effectively portrays the life of Napoleon Bonaparte. The film’s character development, themes, and visual storytelling techniques are commendable.

However, the film’s historical accuracy could be improved, particularly in its depiction of Napoleon’s relationship with Empress Joséphine and his rise to power.

Despite these shortcomings, the film’s strong performances, thrilling action sequences, and engaging narrative make it a must-watch for history enthusiasts and fans of historical dramas.


I recommend “Napoleon 2023” for its strong performances, thrilling action sequences, and engaging narrative. However, viewers who are particularly interested in historical accuracy may want to supplement their viewing experience with additional historical research or viewing.

Closing Thought:

“Napoleon 2023” is a visually stunning and compelling film that provides a unique perspective on the life of Napoleon Bonaparte.

While the film does not always adhere strictly to historical accuracy, its strong performances, thrilling action sequences, and engaging narrative make it a must-watch for history enthusiasts and fans of historical dramas.

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Is the new Napoleon movie good?

The movie “Napoleon 2023” is a historical drama film directed and produced by Ridley Scott and written by David Scarpa.

It stars Joaquin Phoenix as Napoleon Bonaparte and Vanessa Kirby as Empress Joséphine.

The film primarily depicts Napoleon’s rise to power and his relationship with Empress Joséphine

How long is Napoleon movie?

The film’s length is approximately 2 hours and 39 minutes

How can I watch Napoleon movie 2023?

To watch “Napoleon 2023”, you can wait until it becomes available to stream on Apple TV+

What battles will be in Napoleon movie?

As for the battles in the movie, it is mentioned that the film presents a series of accomplished battle sequences.

One of the highlights is the Siege of Toulon in 1793, which is depicted with stunning and graphic detail.

However, the specific battles that will be included in the movie are not explicitly mentioned in the sources provided.